Family in progress

Boh nie je automat na odpovede – je to kouč, ktorý nás učí čítať naše srdce a rozhodovať sa v autenticite

Áno, Boh niekedy dáva jasné odpovede – áno – nie. Moja skúsenosť: sú to z jeho úst zriedkavé odpovede. Prečo? Prečo k nám nehovorí jasne ? Odpoveď je rovnaká, ako v prípade, keď rodičia nehovoria svojim deťom vždy jasné áno – nie, ale chcú – aby na odpoveď prišli samé. Moja koučka sa ma pýta:…

Family in progress | Homeschooling

Parent as a hero

Being a parent is not just a simple task. You were born only recently; you weren’t even aware of what those adults were actually doing for the first ten years. And why? You see the meaning of life while discovering dinosaurs, unicorns and other extinct beings. The best way to see the world as it is…

Family in progress

I decide to choose relationship, not proving of truth – I can always chose

Very often I must decide about my reaction in critical situations. I ask myself: „How to react now?“ Shell I smack him? Shell I start to shout?“ Will I attack as a roaring lion, will I prove my truth in this situation, judge, philosophize, preach or will I first chose relationship – connection with children, calming the situation and solving the problem later?…