
We are an unusual family in the unusual world, full of unusual people and usually we have unusual dreams.

We follow these dreams to near and more distant parts of the country, world, our hearts, education, wisdom, beauty and dreams. Some of them might be also your dreams and that is why we would like to share „ paths“ we have already discovered. And we are still searching for another ones and we invite you to share this adventure through our blog.

It is possible that you will find here inspiration on your journey. Our journey lead us through many various places of Slovakia, but not only the travellers´ ones. We perform homeschooling, healthy life style, we do many kinds of sports with our kids. Each of them brought something special to us. We also provide personal couching and advisory service.

This everything lead us to the beautiful town Fort Mill in South Carolina, where we have been staying for a year now. We have found here a university with principles built upon teaching of Ján Amos Komensky and there is an elementary school of Komesnký established together with the university, where our first born son goes to school. Beside this we also experience completely different culture and climate. Firstly we are in subtropics and therefore our blog will contain observing of nature in this land but we are going to include our experiences with cultural differences, spiritual heritage and how to spend a full-valued life with our children, where nobody is missing anything and can be an individuality….

… despite the periods which want to persuade you, the end of the world is coming – if not global , at least your personal.

I think there are enough stories of perfect couples and rebelling individuals, separated from their families. They were beautiful , but I think it is time to listen to unusual stories of real families.

Who we are

We are a man and woman and their children – we can say. But it would be completely ordinary and in the country, where we were born there is nothing ordinary. So let´s say in this way:

He is an architect of buildings made from the live material, where the dreams become real and you can breath fresh air , Augustín.

She is a manager in „royal academy“ how we call our home „cell“. Janka.

Tobiáš is an expert with animals, which naturally want to be in his presence

Tamara is pure joy and also a very strong and speed athlete.

Jakub is like bluster. No mater if he rides his BMX, MTB or hunts some animals.

Sebastián, chief of the court and son of miracles, who was born twice

Matej healer of wounds and translator of hearts

Joshua Luke he is the only American citizen of our family and I´m still getting to know him, even he seems to have known us for a long time

What is our blog about

So, in this blog you can find articles about:

  • risks of personal development, talents, values, losses and victories…. fight with giants, about broken bones, wheels and knees … about business, sport, and everything which requires training and determination
  • about journey to family mission, about fatherhood, motherhood, sonhood, princesshood… about dragon-fighters, never-ending tears, huge joy and fullness of life
  • About homeschooling, not learning, travelling, knowing the world, universe, civilizations, ourselves, surroundings, our country, how not to go crazy and what to do if this happens
  • About boy Kurbiel and his adventurous journey, which is a phantasy story, where our „paths“ are included. You can share and talk about each chapter with your children, to start topics, which could be really key topics on your family´s journey